Development and Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Reading Program in Primary Schools
PublicationsThe current project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, involves the development and evaluation of an evidence-based reading program in primary school children. Three different approaches were developed based on phonetical recoding, fluency practice, and content-based reading strategies and were implemented in second and fourth graders with reading deficiencies.
The main objective of the present study was a differential analysis of the effects of the three types of trainings on the efficiency of component processes on word, sentence, and text level in primary school children.
Furthermore, we were interested in the extent to which potential changes in reading ability would last over a short (immediately after the training) and a relatively long (3-months follow-up) period of time.
Phonological recoding, fluency, and content-based strategy reading programs
Pretest, Posttest, Follow-Up Design
Thorough and repeated evaluation of reading competencies via a combination of paper- and computer-based testing methods for the duration of the intervention
In einem längsschnittlichen Prä-Post-Design wurden drei verschiedene psychologisch fundierte Trainings-ansätze (Strategietraining, Training von Graphem-Phonem-Assoziationen, Leseflüssigkeits-training, sämtlich peer-gestützt umgesetzt) mit einer Kontrollgruppe (Training visuell-räumlichen Arbeitsgedächtnisses) verglichen. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei erstens die Untersuchung von kognitionspsychologisch differenzierten Teilfähigkeiten des Lesens als potenziellen Moderatoren. Hier hat das Projekt gezeigt, dass insbesondere die Effizienz von Worterkennungsprozessen dafür entscheidend sein kann, welche Leser/-innen von welcher Trainingsform profitieren. So ist ein Training von Lesestrategien, z.B. in den zweiten Klassen, nur dann erfolgreich, wenn die Teilnehmer/-innen bereits über gut routinierte Lesefähigkeiten verfügen. Ist dies nicht der Fall, scheint ein Leseflüssigkeitstraining, das die Effizienz von Wortebenenprozessen gezielter mittrainiert, besser geeignet. Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt lag auf der Untersuchung der Rolle wechselseitiger Abhängigkeiten der Schüler/-innen, im Hinblick auf den Erfolg der peergestützten Lesetrainings. Hier zeigte sich, dass insbesondere beim Strategietraining der Trainingserfolg der leseschwachen Schüler/-innen wesentlich vom Lesefähigkeits-Niveau der lesestarken Schüler/-innen abhängt, mit denen gemeinsam gelernt wird.
Dr. Theresa Hecht
Dr. Ana Križan
Dr. Bettina Müller
“Errorless Learning” - The role of error sensitivity on the maintenance of a reading and spelling disorder
PublicationsDuring the first phase of the project, three reading programs (phonics, fluency and reading strategy training) were developed and evaluated. The evaluation of this study confirmed several short-term effects for the phonics and strategy training with an increase in the efficiency of a broad range of word-level and sentence-level processes. However, none of the treatment effects persisted after a three month period, indicating the need for an increase in the instructional efforts of the trainers and a greater number of practice trials for the readers.
Based on these results, the phonics and the strategy training programs as well as the instructional materials were refined to meet the needs of the readers even better. The current research project involves the evaluation and the final optimization of the current trainings programs.
The main objective of the current research is the optimization and evaluation of the newly-developed training program. More specifically, we seek to identify those factors and conditions that contribute to short- and long-term reading improvements in children with reading deficiencies including any differential effects of the reading programs and their effectiveness in improving reading abilities in second and fourth graders.
Ultimately, the training program is being prepared for the implementation in primary schools to promote the reading competencies in those with deficiencies.
A phonological recoding and a content-based strategy plus fluency reading program
Pretest, Posttest, Follow-Up Design
- Thorough and repeated evaluation of reading competencies via a combination of paper- and computer-based testing methods for the duration of the intervention
Dr. Sabine Krawietz
Dr. Bettina Müller